Friday, November 5, 2010

Tubal Ligation Reversal

Many hope to become pregnant after tubal ligation and will try anything possible. There are many articles and sites out there that promote natural remedies to help the fallopian tubes grow back together. There is no evidence to back up these claims.
The truth of the matter is that unless your fallopian tubes do magically grow back together (which is so rare that I wouldn’t count on it) there are basically two options. The first is IVF. The second being tubal reversal surgery.

Which one will work better? The answer is that they will both work but there are many differences between tubal reversal surgery and IVF. IVF is very expensive and many times does not work on the first round of treatments. Tubal reversal surgery is less taxing on the woman’s body, is less expensive and has a higher pregnancy rate. Another great thing about tubal reversal is that the couple has a chance of conceiving each and every cycle unlike with the alternative of IVF.
How do I locate a tubal ligation center Locating a tubal reversal surgeon is not that hard but there are important things to keep in mind while on the search. The first is how much experience does the surgeon have? If this is something the surgeon does part time then find someone who concentrates just on this type of surgery.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Ligation Reversal.

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