Monday, November 8, 2010

Tubal Ligation Reversal

The above is a question that is received over and over at various tubal ligation reversal centers, websites, and forums.  Now why would this question be coming up?  What is an endometrial ablation?

Usually an endometrial ablation is a procedure that is done on women who have excessive bleeding which cannot be controlled by some other method.  It's the last thing to try to stop the excessive bleeding before a hysterectomy which is a surgical procedure.  What that means is that the ablation procedure does not involve surgery and therefore is a relatively safer alternative to hysterectomy.  Excessive bleeding can cause its own problems which is why such steps may be taken.

What is done during the ablation is that the endometrial lining of the uterus is removed.  Along with that layer, the regenerative endometrial cells are removed as well.  Let's explain this a tad better.

Every month the endometrial cells regenerate the endometrial lining of the uterus.  As the month goes by, the lining gets thicker.  If you get pregnant, the fetus implants in this lining and this is the way it is nurtured during gestation.  However, if you do not get pregnant, that lining is sloughed off and excreted from the body.  That is what causes women's periods.

For women who just have too much bleeding, after other things are tried first, an endometrial ablation will be done.  Your doctor will remove the lining and the regenerative cells.  Most methods of doing this fall into two categories.  Either freezing is done or the layer is burned off in some manner with the latter method being the most common.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Ligation Reversal.

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